Changes in quality characteristics of kunu-zaki beverage fermented with Lactoacillus brevis as starter culture

Okoro I. A., Ojimelukwe P. C. and Offia-Olua B.

Microbiology Research International
Published: May 3 2013
Volume 1, Issue 1
Pages 16-21


Kunun drink was prepared from millet and sorghum and lactic acid bacteria were isolated from the beverage using MRS agar. The isolates were identified using morphological and biochemical characteristics. An identified isolate (Lactobacillus brevis) was subsequently used as a pure culture to ferment freshly prepared Kunun-zaki. The inhibition of enteric pathogens by the isolate as well as the changes in some quality parameters [pH, total solids, total soluble solids, red ox potential and total titratable acidity (TTA)] of the Kunun-zaki were monitored. It was observed that the concentration of isolate used did not affect the quality of the product. Forty eight hours was the optimum fermentation period for the beverage. The optimum temperature was 27°C, while the optimum condition for development of redox potential was 72 h.

Keywords: Kunun-zaki, quality parameters, lacto-bacillus fermentation.

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