Illumina sequencing technology review

Teferi Benti Moti

Microbiology Research International
Published: November 16 2022
Volume 10, Issue 3
Pages 25-31


As a result of Sanger's original DNA sequencing discovery, rapidly evolving DNA sequencing systems demonstrate how biology and technology may harmoniously coexist. Prior to 2005, Sanger sequencing technology served as the foundation for all sequencing. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a breakthrough technology that promises to advance our knowledge of how nucleic acid functions significantly. The DNA sequencing process is to determine the proper arrangement of nucleotide bases in a DNA macromolecule using biological methods. The development of Illumina-Next Generation Sequencing Technologies in 2005 revolutionized how scientists study and comprehend biological phenomena. In the last ten years, new sequencing devices have advanced dramatically. Science is developing very quickly, and the most popular subject in the field of human and animal genomics research right now is Illumina's next-generation sequencing technology. In this paper, we have underlined a number of fundamental principles, benefits, and comprehensions of next-generation sequencing technologies. The developments in the sequencing platforms will be given, together with a brief explanation of first, second, and third generation sequencing technologies.

Keywords: DNA, Illumina, next-generation sequencing, Sanger sequencing.

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