Applicability of sampling techniques in social sciences

ADEKEYE Adeshola Joseph and APEH Paulina Eleojo

Net Journal of Social Sciences
Published: December 3 2019
Volume 7, Issue 4
Pages 101-108


This paper examined the guidelines and procedures for conducting sampling techniques in social sciences. The objective of the study was to empirically demonstrate the application of sampling techniques in the conduct of academic research. A documentary method of data collection in the form of content analysis of empirical data, journal publications, textbooks and projects obtained from the library and internet sources was adopted as research methodology. Also, two completed undergraduate and postgraduate research works were selected as specimens for critical analysis. The research findings revealed that researchers who are supposed to demonstrate the mastery of sampling techniques practically end up defining the concept based on the opinions of various scholars in the field without adopting appropriate sampling techniques. Also, most investigators failed to adopt the right sampling techniques that are capable of addressing the stated research problem or determine the target population and the nature of data collection/analysis of instruments. Similarly, many do not know, when and why a particular sampling technique is suitable for a particular study. The study recommended that researchers should not only study to acquire knowledge on the meaning, types and procedures for the adoption of a sampling technique but they must make frantic efforts to know why, how and when a particular method is the most appropriate for a given study.

Keywords: Research, sampling techniques, population, sample size, social sciences.

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